Interpreting In NH

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Interpreters, including those exclusively working VRI, must hold valid credentials and a license to work in New Hampshire.
NH Licensure Information:
click here
Apply for NH Interpreter License (pdf):
click here
Information on NH Interpreter Classification System (NHICS),
NH State Screening:
click here
Information on the National Interpreter Certification (NIC):
click here
Exams for RID Certification Eligibility:
click here​​
Surrounding States
Connect with these Referral Services directly to inquire on the laws, policies, rules, and regulations that affect the interpreting profession in their state.
​Integrated Interpreting Services
Pine Tree Society
Discovering Abilities Together
Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
NH Practices and Community Standards
The following information should serve as a guide when hiring interpreters. As most interpreters are in private practice (freelance) working as independent contractors, the following guidelines have been developed and have become standard for the field:
Contracted Time
The time scheduled: The interpreter is paid for the entire time for which he or she has originally been scheduled (including expected travel time - see Travel Expenses below).
This includes any time when the interpreter is not actually interpreting but is on location and available to interpret, including any waiting time, breaks, and meal times.
On-going assignments or contractual agreements may be negotiated to vary from this as appropriate prior to confirmation of the assignment.
Length of Assignment
Long assignments/Two or more interpreters: For lengthy assignments such as all-day conferences and long meetings, it is recommended that more than one interpreter be hired so they can switch off every 15-20 minutes.
Interpreters cannot effectively interpret for lengthy periods of time; studies have shown that the quality of the information expressed through an interpreter suffers after approximately 20-30 minutes. All interpreters are to be paid their full rate for the entire time on location.
Two-Hour Minimum
It is standard practice for interpreters to bill a two-hour minimum for any assignment which is under two hours long. These two hours do include travel time (see Travel Expenses below).
Extension of Assignment As available: If the hiring agency needs the interpreter to continue past the contracted time and all parties agree to continue and the interpreter is available, the assignment may continue provided the following:
Appropriate authorization: The interpreter must first obtain supplemental authorization from an appropriate person in the hiring agency before continuing past the contracted time.
Travel Expenses and Mileage
The interpreter is paid their hourly rate plus mileage from portal to portal of the assignment and back. For assignments with the State of New Hampshire, mileage is paid at the current state rate using appropriate state charts or the equivalent. Interpreters may use their odometer reading when submitting an invoice to claim mileage.
Driving time: Interpreters are paid their regular hourly rate for driving time.
Tolls: It is general practice (and required by state agencies) that reimbursement for tolls requires submission of receipts.
Cancellation Policy
48 hours notice: If an interpreter has been scheduled for an assignment and it is canceled within 48 hours (two full business days) of the actual assignment, the interpreter will bill for the entire block of time scheduled (including expected travel time, but NOT including mileage). This is general practice as it is difficult for interpreters to replace assignments that have been canceled within a 48-hour period.
Be aware that individual interpreter’s cancellation policies may vary.
If for any reason the interpreter cannot make an assignment, the interpreter is responsible for making appropriate arrangements, depending on the availability of other interpreters.
If a Deaf person, or user of communication access services, prefers a particular interpreter for an assignment, they can fill out and send in a waiver form. This form must be filled out by the Deaf person per individual assignment.
The NH waiver form can be found here.
Interpreting Laws
If you have a complaint about an interpreter, you may file a grievance with the NH Board of Licensure of Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing:
NH Licensure Board
c/o Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
21 South Fruit St, Concord, NH 03301
Voice: 603-271-3877
TTY: 603-271-1483
Fax: 603-271-7095
Or you can file a grievance with RID
State Rates
In the state of New Hampshire, interpreters are self employed and set their own rates, unless they are working for a state or municipal agency. The State of NH has set rates for interpreters when working for such state or municipal agencies.
Current State Rate Schedule (Effective March 21, 2022)