NHRID Interpreter Retreat
March 24 - 26th, 2023
What an amazing weekend!!
Thank you everyone who attended and thank you to everyone who made it possible. The last minute change of location ended up being the best!!
Thank you for attending with open minds and open hearts.
I am so inspired by the dialogue and support seen throughout this past weekend.
Much love,
NHRID Leadership Team & Retreat Committee

Workshop Cancellation Policy
Revised 8/18/2016
Updating soon*
If a workshop hosted by NHRID is cancelled for any reason by NHRID, registrants will be provided a full refund.
If a registrant wishes to withdraw from a workshop and submits the request in writing before the registration deadline, the registrant will be provided a full refund.
Registrants who withdraw from a workshop after the registration deadline do not qualify for a refund but may qualify for a credit to a future NHRID hosted workshop.
NHRID understands that emergency situations can arise. If anyone is unable to attend a workshop and would like to request a 50% credit for a future workshop, they must submit an explanation in writing. Requests must be received no more than 2 weeks after the workshop has taken place and will be reviewed by the Professional Development Committee. If a credit is awarded to the participant, it becomes that person’s responsibility to present it to use for a future workshop. This certificate is void 2 years from date of issuance. All correspondence shall be sent to pdc@nhrid.org
Continuing Education Units
To maintain certification, each Certified member must complete educational programming that is documented by earning at least eight (8) CEUs every four (4) year cycle. A minimum of six (6.0) CEUs documenting the equivalent educational work must be in Professional Studies.
More information: here.
Participant Initiated Non-RID Activities
NHRID is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for continuing education activities.
NHRID members are allotted one free PINRA per membership year.
$10 processing fee for additional requests
Non – NHRID members must pay a $20 processing fee for each request
More information from RID: here.
To get in touch with our amazing NH CMP Sponsor, please email: nhridcmpsponsor@gmail.com
NHRID is committed to the professional development of ASL interpreters who live and/or work in New Hampshire.
Scholarships are available to cover 50% of a Workshop/Professional Development's registration fee, up to $100.
Who is eligible?​
NHRID Member
NH Licensed Interpreter
Local ITP student
Please submit the Scholarship Form below to be connected with the Scholarship Committee for next steps.
Scholarship Form: here
Returned Checks
$50.00 service charge will be levied on all checks returned/bounced for any reason.
Email: nhridtreasurer@gmail.com